A discussion between me and my friend over cold drinks

So my friend “Mirza” and I were having a cold drink at a place after window shopping, then he said to me, “Look teacher, this bottle is just carbon dioxide mixed with water, the same carbon dioxide we get every day.” Time continues to be exhaled, and the same carbon dioxide has also put the “role” of pollution and global warming in the world.
I said “Yes, all cold drinks contain a mixture of carbon dioxide and water. Carbon dioxide and water combine to form “carbonic acid”. That’s why they are called “carbonated drinks”. All these cold drinks are made by adding sugar and various flavors to a mixture of oxide and water.
So when water and carbon dioxide mix, carbonic acid is formed

But this reaction is not only happening in cold drinks. Rather, it is one of the most essential reactions of our body and our life, which is happening in our body all the time.
So there are proteins in our body which play an important role in every small and big function of the body. Proteins are very sensitive to “pH”. I have written separately on what “pH” is, for now understand that pH refers to the amount of “hydrogen ions” (H+). That is, how many hydrogen ions are there in a solution.
If there are too many hydrogen ions in our body or blood, our proteins will be affected, and if there are too few hydrogen ions, the same will happen. Therefore, the amount of hydrogen ions in the blood should remain within a certain range. That is, the pH of the blood should remain within a certain range.
Next, every cell in our body is producing carbon dioxide, and this carbon dioxide dissolves in the blood and travels through the blood to the lungs and is exhaled. The “game” I’m going to explain next, is all about blood.
So blood is about more than 50% water. So when water and carbon dioxide in the blood mix, carbonic acid is formed, as shown in the above equation. But carbonic acid, like most acids, gives off its hydrogen ions, and the remaining carbonate ions also dissociate, something like
Thus, through carbon dioxide, we maintain a level of hydrogen ions in the blood, meaning that the pH of the blood is maintained. This whole system acts like a “Buffer”. That is, it also prevents the change coming in itself to a certain extent.
Like let’s say my body is depleted of hydrogen ions causing my vital proteins to stop working. My brain noted this change in blood pH and reduced carbon dioxide emissions. Any excess carbon dioxide left in my blood will make carbonic acid and then hydrogen ions. At the same time, the kidneys also reduced the excretion of hydrogen ions. To increase the level of hydrogen ions in the blood.
Conversely, if my blood has an excess of hydrogen ions, then our “carbonate ions” (HCO₃⁻) will come in handy. The excess hydrogen ions will combine with these carbonate ions to form carbonic acid
H⁺+HCO₃⁻ ↔H₂CO₃
This carbonic acid then “breaks down” again to form water and carbon dioxide. Water is not a problem. While carbon dioxide is excreted through the lungs.
H₂CO₃ ↔ CO₂+H₂O
In which direction this reaction will go i.e. from which substance will be formed this decision determines the amount of all these things. That is, if there are less hydrogen ions, the reaction will increase them, and if there are more hydrogen ions, the reaction will decrease them. Enzymes will also play an important role here.

Are you bored enough by studying this useless chemistry? But a little disturbance in this chemistry can send a person to the hospital and then from the hospital to the graveyard.
After listening to this whole speech, Mirza Sahib said “Teacher, don’t eat your head anymore”. So I said “you have to pay for the bottles”.